Trailhead Mediation offers mediation in a range of issue areas, with a special focus on family (separation, divorce, co-parenting arrangements), non-profits (internal Board relations, or disputes with independent contractors), landlord/tenant, and neighbor disputes.
Board Disputes
Conflicts on volunteer Boards for non-profits can quickly devolve from irritants to serious issues- imperiling the mission-work of the organization and the well-being of its staff and volunteers. While everyone may recognize the existence of a break-down, the structure of non-profits can make it hard to move toward resolution. Unlike many other dispute types, there is often no other place to go with the dispute (as no law may have been broken and any public-facing process could hurt the organization). This is where the presence of a true neutral- a mediator- can help flip the switch.
As a neutral party, we can offer a private, confidential, internal process to engage all members of the Board and relevant staff in working toward a balanced resolution by, for example:
breaking down communication silos that develop between Board members or between the Board and staff;
addressing power imbalances;
providing real opportunities for self-reflection and feedback;
creating shared expectations for communication, engagement, decision-making, etc.;
clarifying roles and creating mechanisms to respond to overreach;
identifying where organizational gaps are contributing to problems (governance issues, culture, etc.).
Most importantly- mediation is not therapy! As a neutral, our focus is on helping you identify specific, workable actions your organization can implement!
Disputes between non-profits and independent contractors
Has your organization entered into a service contract with a small independent contractor (for example, for help with social media, design, or HR, etc.) that is not working for the organization? Maybe the contract language was not clear and the organization is unexpectedly stuck having paid for work that is not meeting the need but with no clear path to get back on track (and a million other fires to put out!). This is where mediation can help! As a third party neutral, we can help both sides hear one another in a private, balanced setting that takes the pressure off and allows everyone to work together to develop a resolution that is workable (whether that means defining next steps, creating clearer expectations for communication, increasing accountability, etc., or closing out a service with grace).
Family Mediation
Separation & Divorce
Trailhead Mediation offers a range of services for parties exploring or navigating through a dissolution. We can help parties address discrete issues or facilitate the entire process from start to finish, including:
identifying goals;
creating interim arrangements (separation agreements);
gathering and sharing financial information;
establishing budgets;
making arrangements for children or other dependents;
working collaboratively with experts (attorneys, career counselors, financial planners, tax professionals, etc.) on complex issues; and
drafting final agreements in a form ready for filing in court.
Parenting Plans
When it comes to planning for children’s needs, court can be a one-size fits none proposition. Mediation gives co-parents an opportunity to develop a tailored plan based on the parties own values, goals, and practical constraints. Mediation can also save everyone the expense and stress of a drawn-out legal battle - giving kids the security of parents who agree on a plan and co-parents relief from uncertainty.
Trailhead Mediation facilitates planning and decision-making on a wide range of topics- from a workable residential and holiday schedule, to special challenges like communication between co-parents, children’s use of social media and tech, participation in extracurricular activities, travel, and how to integrate new partners into your plan.
Post Dissolution Mediations and Parenting Plan Modifications
You did the work, you have a plan, the court process is done. Then someone moves, someone’s job changes, someone has a medical issue (i.e. life rolls on) and the plan on paper no longer works in the real world. Time to come back to the table.
Trailhead Mediation is ready to help parents adjust the plan as life changes, whether that means:
working to find agreement on issues outside of the parenting plan;
making a minor modifications to an existing parenting plan; or
going back to the drawing board with major modifications to an existing parenting plan.
We can help you stay focused, talk through the tough trade offs, and collaborate on a workable plan.
“Once parents divorce, they often find themselves in a no-mans land, trying to navigate complex issues that a court won’t or can’t effectively assist with. Mediation offers privacy, creates a safe space for discussion, and helps focus co-parents on the issues that matter most. Parents love their children, and if they can be empowered to work together they usually find the best options for them. It is a joy to be part of that process, and to watch them build confidence and communication skills in mediation that turn down the temperature for everyone and allow more joy in family moments across homes.”- Elisa Ford